DESIGNED FOR VERSATILITY: This blend is widely used in Kentucky bluegrass sports turf, bluegrass sod production, golf fairways and tees, parks, and residential lawns.
YELLOW JACKET ENHANCED SEED COATING: Less water needed for establishment, enhanced uniform seeding, improved soil contact, seedling and root development, and proven performance in the most demanding applications.
GERMINATION: With germination typically fewer than 10 days and an aggressive establishment, HGT is a game changer. Fields can now be played on faster, fairways can be renovated quickly, and your yard can look in pristine shape.
DISEASE RESISTANT KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS SEED: Developed in harsh climatic conditions, this HGT seed is a proven blend and resistant to diseases especially summer patch and stem rust.
HEAVY TRAFFIC TOLERANT: Prior to release, this grass seed for your lawn completed simulation studies to further prove its unique ability for strong, rapid recovery from traffic damage.
Heavy Traffic Grass Seed for Sports Fields, Golf Courses, Parks, Lawns, and Yards - 25 LB Bag
DESIGNED FOR VERSATILITY: This blend is widely used in Kentucky bluegrass sports turf, bluegrass sod production, golf fairways and tees, parks, and residential lawns.
YELLOW JACKET ENHANCED SEED COATING: Less water needed for establishment, enhanced uniform seeding, improved soil contact, seedling and root development, and proven performance in the most demanding applications.
GERMINATION: With germination typically fewer than 10 days and an aggressive establishment, HGT is a game changer. Fields can now be played on faster, fairways can be renovated quickly, and your yard can look in pristine shape.
DISEASE RESISTANT KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS SEED: Developed in harsh climatic conditions, this HGT seed is a proven blend and resistant to diseases especially summer patch and stem rust.
HEAVY TRAFFIC TOLERANT: Prior to release, this grass seed for your lawn completed simulation studies to further prove its unique ability for strong, rapid recovery from traffic damage.